Coconut Body Butter

Facial Mositurizer

Ear Oil

Anti-bacterial Salve

Eye Wash


Coconut Body Butter

Diva Coconut Body Butter was formulated and produced for my best friend who I tease as being a true Diva.

She has very sensitive skin and does not like strong or harsh scents, additives and preservatives contained in many commercial lotions on the market. She also loves the smell of coconut!

Many lotions on the market essentially encourage dry skin. They contain mostly water that plumps the cells, then dissipates. Leaving on your skin the chemical residue from the list of ingredients on the jar that you probably have trouble pronouncing. My motto is, if I can’t say it, I don’t want it on or in my body.

Coconut oil has many health benefits, not only for healthy skin and hair, but medically as well. Coming from a vegetable source it is almost always chemical and pesticide free. It is well documented that island women spending endless time in strong sunlight claim mightily about the abilities of coconut oil to keep their skin soft and protected from sun damage.

There is a great book on the coconut oil benefits called “The Coconut Oil Miracle”, by Bruce Fife.

Recipe is based on 320z jar of coconut oil.

Ingredient list:

32 oz. Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil

½ cup Fenugreek Seeds

½ cup Lemongrass

¼ cup Yellow Dock

Utensils required:

Oven proof baking dish
Cookie Sheet
Coffee filters/cheese cloth/old panty hose
Jars for storage


Place coconut oil in glass baking dish. Heat oven to 200 degrees. Put baking dish on a cookie sheet to protect oven for when you stir the mixture.

After oven reaches temperature, place baking dish in oven until the coconut oil becomes a liquid. Usually about ½ or so. Add fenugreek seed, stir mixture, bake for 1 hour. Add Lemongrass, stir mixture and bake 1 hour. Add Yellow Dock, stir and bake for additional hour. Turn off oven at this point and let the mixture sit in oven over night. In the morning, start oven back up to 200 degrees and after it reaches temperature, place baking dish in oven for about ½ hour to melt. When cool, strain herbs and place oil in storage jars.

I strain the mixture in one large jar which I call “the mother” jar, and keep one smaller jar with mixture to use. I transfer as needed from the mother jar to the smaller jar.

There are recipes that less baking time, but I have found over the years that the longer time infuses the herbs into the carrier oil better. Makes a stronger herbal product.